Portfolio > The Uncertain Landscape

The Uncertain Landscape.
I am interested in narrative; storytelling through pictures evoking a deep sense of place. What moves me to make these works is the trifecta of memory, love, and the passage of time. The pictures serve as a shifting cross-section—using color, tone, and an expressive languor in paint language, to create a local dialect that, although uneven, I think vividly captures the energy, the mutability, or perhaps the stubborn persistence of what it’s like to be affected by place. They are meant to act in the present but suggest a past, moving with the rhythm of everyday life that is rife with multiple time signatures. The figures are intended to add atmosphere to past peregrinations and dalliances and knit the uncertainties of our life’s complications into such a lovely, changeable shifting. The emotional landscape emerges when our attentiveness to the sensual world brings a certain mutable responsiveness from the imperatives of consciousness.

The Loutky House
Oil on Panel
24in x 24in
Landscape, Figurative, Narrative, Figure, old houses, Small town, Poppy, Trees, Autumn
Oil on Panel
24 x 20in
Landscape, Figurative, Narrative, old house, Rhododendron
Oil on Panel
24 x 20in
Bridge, Sunbathing, Landscape, Narrative, Storytelling, River
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36in
Waterscape, Pond, Narrative Painting, Figurative, Lillypads
Oil on Canvas
24" X 36"
Narrative Painting, Figurative, Foxglove, Landscape
Oil on Canvas
36 in x 48 in 
Wild Roses, Old House, Figurative, Figures, Narrative, Painting, Landscape
Oil on Canvas
36 in x 48 in
Trees, Treehouse, Figurative, Figures, Narrative, Painting, Landscape, Dinner
Oil on Canvas
Narrative Painting, Figurative, Figures, Tree, Reading Books
Oil on Canvas
36 in x 48 in 
Narrative Painting, Figurative, White Boxer, Rocket, Landscape, Bowie
Oil on Canvas
60 x 48in
Landscape, Figurative, Narrative, horses, old house, Patti Smith
Oil on Canvas
36 in x 48 in
Narrative Painting, Figurative,Horse, Landscape
Oil on Canvas
24" X 36"
Narrative Painting, Figurative, Hollyhocks, Chairs
Oil on Canvas
24" X 36"